Author Topic: Western New South Wales via the "Road Less Travelled". 7. Broken Hill to Mildura  (Read 1923 times)


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The following three images are horrifyingly graphic and detail explicitly, what all traveler's in Australia seem to take for granted. The pain and suffering inflicted by people driving motor vehicles can only be imagined. Many years ago, whilst traveling by bicycle in western Queensland, I came across a dead kangaroo with a live joey still in it's pouch. I knew then I had, at some time in my life, to show and tell people about this slaughter which we inflict on our wild life. Within the last two weeks, here in Australia, there has been a media uproar because some 400 kangaroos were being 'humanely euthanised'. Yes, it was terribly sad, but in all honesty, at least those poor animals didn't suffer the horror and often slow death, which animals like this one suffer every night on our roads. I probably wouldn't be too far wrong in saying that maybe the same number of kangaroos are killed every night on Australian roads. We, in our 'innocence', quaintly term this act of savagery, Road Kill. Every day of my travels over this three week period, I probably saw 20 odd animals, dead, either on, or beside the road. This poor animal is, by now, maybe just a shadow on the road. Mostly, no one even moves them off the road. Cars just try to avoid them. After a while, it doesn't matter. How terribly, terribly sad, for us, as a human race!

Sadly, soon after taking those appalling images, I came across this poingent and evocative memorial to a young lady whose life had also been lost on this dry, barren strip of road.

Just outside the township of Menindie, we stopped to cross the railway line that crosses Australia, and look at the man made, Menindie Lakes. Water from here is pumped back to Broken Hill and sustains that dry, arid mining town.

The bird life was abundant.

and even the swallows found room for shelter on the wall across the water.

From Menindie, the road was gravel and we steadily continued our way to the tiny outback town of Wentworth on the great Darling River.

Hard to believe this had once been such a busy port for paddle steamers as they worked their way up and down the river. Now, its just the peace of the river and the quiet of the Australian bush. It's very beautiful really!

Euston next. Much bigger town and the point where the River Darling, meets and joins with the River Murray.

This is the actual joining point of these two mighty rivers and the local community has provided a special tower from which to view such an important point in Australia.

River Red Gums, Eucalyptus Camaldulensis, once prolific throughout the length of the Murray River, are now in danger from many different fronts. These trees, Planted almost 20 years ago, show clearly, how long it is going to take to re-establish growth along this mighty river.

I suspect we can never put back what we have taken!!
Anyway, on we went, soon crossing the Victorian border as we headed for Mildura. Interesting to note yet another of the old 'Lift Bridges' built for the paddle ships, still being used, after all this time.

Shortly before Mildura, we noticed this wonderfully constructed amusement park. Couldnt help but stop!

and little signs like this, reminded me where I live!

Mildura, had once been a great river boat town on the Murray. The years have changed the town but, it's still great.

The wharf

and what its like now

and, always, the River Red Gum's.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 04:01:47 PM by rod1 »


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I enjoyed sharing your journey through your images.  I suspect that you and your family will be talking about this adventure for a long time to come. 

You appear to be getting more comfortable with the D300, and your images are all very well processed.  Excellent presentation.  Thank you again for taking the time to share your adventure, thoughts and images.
