Author Topic: Black and White Photography assignment Jan. 19 to Feb. 22, 2016  (Read 17829 times)


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As we enter the days of mid-winter and it seems the world has lost a lot of color; what a great time to take on black and white photography!    Ian Nichols, our jr. leader, suggested the topic.  Thank you Ian!

Keith did an assignment on Black and White photography January 28 – 24, 2010.  Please hit this link and read his suggestions and see examples he posted.

With digital camera, you really don’t shoot in ‘black and white’ as we did in the days of film.  You can set your camera settings to black and white and the camera will do the processing for you or you can shoot in color and process the picture to black and white in a photo program such as Photoshop.  Most basic photo programs that come with cameras offer the option to change a picture to black and white.

One key in black and white photography is how the light moves from dark to light in the scene.  So, really look around for scenes that have good shapes and textures and distinct light in the scene that makes good distinction between dark and light. 

Again, please read Keith’s post and look at examples in the gallery under weekly assignments from that week in 2010:

Please post your pictures by Monday, February 22.

Any questions?  Please post them by replying to this post.

Have fun!
