Recent Adventures

Costa Rica Adventure Part IV: 

Wilson Botanical Gardens

Blue-crowned Motmots

Steve has fulfilled the primary objective of his trip, but he has one more little wish--to photograph the Blue-crowned Motmot.  Paulo tells us we might have a slight chance of seeing a Motmot at Wilson Botanical Gardens in San Vito, our next stop on the trip.  We arrive after dark and agree to meet at the feeders before breakfast in the morning.  After the excitement of the previous week, the action at the feeders is downright glacial.  Paulo thinks we’re scaring the birds away with all of our big lenses pointing at the feeder like big eyes.

Following breakfast, Paulo and Jose offer to take us on an orientation tour of the grounds.  Steve stays behind at the feeders waiting for the chance to see a Motmot, and the rest of us grab our mid-range telephotos and head off with Paulo. 

As we’re walking the trail, Paulo thinks he hears a Motmot and begins calling back.  Sure enough, there’s a Motmot in the canopy not too far from the trail.  And there is its mate, not too far away.  After taking a few safety shots, Cindy runs back to get Steve.  We slowly move closer, and eventually get close enough to witness and photograph some fascinating behavior.  One of the Motmots flies to the ground and lays with its wings spread, apparently sunning itself.  Steve thinks this is a technique the Motmot uses to kill the tiny mites in its feathers by exposing them to ultraviolet light.  After a few minutes in the sun the Motmot begins panting and flies back into the shade of a tree.  We eventually discover two pairs of nesting Motmots in the gardens, and have several opportunities to photograph them over the next few days, along with other beautiful species including the Speckled Tanager, Bay-headed Tanager, Scarlet-thighed Dacnas and the strikingly iridescent Green Honeycreeper.

Blue-crowned Motmot,

Wilson Botanical Gardens, Costa Rica

We manage to find time to photograph the gardens as well.  The gardens contain a large collection of tropical plants including bromeliads, ferns, gingers, heliconias, palms, and orchids.  The loving care of the founders is evident all around us, and is captured by the inscription on the gravestone for Robert and Catherine Wilson:  “He dreamed of a garden . . . she helped make it real.”

Wilson Botanical Gardens, Costa Rica

Costa Rica Adventure

Spirit of Photography

Keith and Rebecca Snell