We have some great ideas for assignments coming when the seasons change a little more for all of us.Our last assignment had a lot of participation and I think we can really keep the energy up. One question, are we still ok with bi-weekly assignments or should we go back to weekly?One member in the last assignment gave me an idea for our next challenge. We sometimes get stuck taking a photo with the same angle and never feel like we get it just right. In this assignment, we are going to do another "Triptych" http://community.spiritofphotography.com/index.php?topic=575.0 again. Please go review the triptych assignment we did in May 2010 if you are uncertain what a triptych is. If you can't put your three photos together, post them individually and I will put them together for you.In this assignment, take the same subject at three completely different angles. You can change the DOF, your lens or any other settings you like but the subject has to be the same and the angle must be different in all three photos.Let's see if we can learn a new trick or two by trying out alternative views.
That would be great if you could, Keith. (I forgot.) I could do it later in the evening, but if you have the time... Thank you.
Awesome images submitted so far on this assignment. I have a question, though. Would it meet the criteria for the assignment if I did something like a soccer game from 3 different angles -- for example, a long view of the game in action, possibly an individual player and maybe a ground level shot of a foot kicking a ball?