Author Topic: Snell's Iris Garden  (Read 2394 times)


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Snell's Iris Garden
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:09:57 PM »
Keith and Rebecca invited us to photograph in their iris garden this morning.  The flowers were beautiful!  We certainly enjoyed a great session.  This was the best of the images I took.



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Re: Snell's Iris Garden
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2008, 09:55:40 PM »
Glad you guys came over.  Evan sure had fun 'entertaining' Ellen - she is a wonderful soul!  Awesome shot - you even nailed the color of the iris.  Please post more of your shots.  I was lazy and did not get out there to shoot with you guys.  I should have!  I love the composition of your shot too!


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Re: Snell's Iris Garden
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2008, 10:42:49 PM »

Very nice!  With a little imagination it looks like Merlin in a flowing purple wind-swept cape, with his arms thrown high ready to cast a spell.  :-)

I enjoyed shooting with you.  Feel free to come back any time to photograph the garden, even if we aren't home.  We should have Siberian Iris in another week, then peonies, and lots of roses after that. 

If you remember I was a little puzzled about why some of my shots at smaller apertures were underexposing.  I played around a bit more this afternoon and figured out why.  It certainly falls into the category of "relearning what I already knew."  Since the lens I was using requires "stop down metering," the light coming through the lens was much dimmer at smaller apertures.  So, at smaller apertures the light coming in through the viewfinder eyepiece was enough to throw off the exposure by a stop or more.  I should have been using the "eye piece shutter" or covering the eyepiece to to eliminate that stray light.  One more reason I need practice, practice, practice!

Come back over if you need some subjects for the "isolation" assignment.



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Re: Snell's Iris Garden
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2008, 08:39:10 AM »
Here's one of my shots from the same morning, playing with the theme of "isolation."  It's a challenge to select a large enough aperture to pleasantly blur the background, while keeping enough depth of field on the subject.  Here's my "practice" attempt.  I'll shoot again later this week.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 08:42:25 AM by keithsnell »