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Forum Rules, FAQs, and Announcements / Re: Maintenance Notice
« Last post by keithsnell on April 12, 2012, 05:01:38 PM »
Thanks Chris.

Hopefully we'll be safe from that type of harassment for a while.  Normally I have a little warning and time to respond to vulnerabilities, but this one pretty much came out of the blue.

Forum Rules, FAQs, and Announcements / Re: Maintenance Notice
« Last post by Chris on April 12, 2012, 03:47:45 PM »
Nothing here. I tried IE 9 and Chrome. I think you're right Keith. Probably a browser add-on. Do you have any toolbar add-ons? They are bad about that kind of thing.
That would be great if you could, Keith. (I forgot.)   I could do it later in the evening, but if you have the time...  Thank you.

My pleasure.  I will get it done later today.  Thank you for starting us on the assignments again.

That would be great if you could, Keith. (I forgot.)   I could do it later in the evening, but if you have the time...  Thank you.
We have some great ideas for assignments coming when the seasons change a little more for all of us.

Our last assignment had a lot of participation and I think we can really keep the energy up.  One question, are we still ok with bi-weekly assignments or should we go back to weekly?

One member in the last assignment gave me an idea for our next challenge.  

We sometimes get stuck taking a photo with the same angle and never feel like we get it just right.  In this assignment, we are going to do another "Triptych" again. Please go review the triptych assignment we did in May 2010 if you are uncertain what a triptych is.  If you can't put your three photos together, post them individually and I will put them together for you.

In this assignment, take the same subject at three completely different angles.  You can change the DOF, your lens or any other settings you like but the subject has to be the same and the angle must be different in all three photos.

Let's see if we can learn a new trick or two by trying out alternative views.

Hi Michele,

Would you like me to update the front page article so that it links to this assignment and to the voting thread for the last assignment?  I'd be happy to do that (but didn't want to take over if you were already planning to do it).

Forum Rules, FAQs, and Announcements / Re: Maintenance Notice
« Last post by keithsnell on April 11, 2012, 08:40:37 AM »
Hi Michele,

I've done a pretty thorough scan of the source code being sent from the server and there is nothing in the code that would insert links for those words.  (It's just plain text when it comes from  the server.)   I suspect you may have an Internet Explorer add-on enabled (probably installed by some advertising site) that displays those links whenever you view a page with those words.  You might want to try disabling all IE add-ons and select the IE option to block pop-ups and see if that fixes the issue. 

Is anyone else seeing anything similar?

Forum Rules, FAQs, and Announcements / Re: Maintenance Notice
« Last post by Michele on April 11, 2012, 08:23:58 AM »
Finished and nothing at all.   :)
You read my mind!  I was thinking I'd like to try a triptych again.  Now to figure out the subject!
Weekly Photography Assignments / Re: Assignments
« Last post by Michele on April 11, 2012, 07:41:39 AM »
Someone found some bugs!   ;)
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