Author Topic: Results and Feedback for the "Simplicity" Weekly Photography Assignment  (Read 1393 times)


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Thank you to everyone that participated in the "Simplicity" assignment.  The guidelines for this assignment were to "strive to compose an image that is simple in design, with no distractions or competing elements within the image."

Congratulations to Joyce Donaldson (csrdrunner), whose Black and White image won the vote for People's Choice.  This image was a great example of a "simple design" with no distractions or competing elements within the image.  It was also a great choice to convert this image to black and white, which, by removing the potential "distraction" of color, emphasized the dynamic shape of the building and strengthened the composition.  I've awarded this image Editor's Choice for Artistic Merit.  Well done.

Black and White
People's Choice and Editor's Choice for Artistic Merit
Photographed by Joyce Donaldson

I've awarded Editor's Choice for Technical Merit to Sheila Ancheta's (burzilai) Simply Balanced image.  Sheila did a wonderful job with the composition, lighting and background in this image.  I liked how the very subtle texture of the surface under the rocks fades into the distance, into a very unobtrusive background.  Sheila used window light to provide the soft "round" light on the subject, which gave the subject a 3-dimensional appearance, and used a simple background of construction board, with a textured board placed under the subject and a smooth one for the background.  A relatively large aperture of f4.8 helped blur the background and provided a nice transition from the textured surface under the rocks to the featureless background.  She also used a slight tint to warm up the subject and background.  Very well done.

Simply Balanced
Editor's Choice for Technical Merit
Photographed by Sheila Ancheta

Honorable Mention.  I thought Lars' painkiller image was effective because it is an intriguing image, and leads the viewer to wonder what the "story" is behind the image.  "Thought provoking" is one of the best complements you can receive for your imagery (or any form of communication for that matter).

Honorable Mention
Photographed by Lars

Viewers are encouraged to respond to this thread describing why you like a particular image, or think it was particularly successful at meeting the guidelines of the assignment.

Thank you to everyone that participated in the "Simplicity" assignment.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 03:24:50 PM by keithsnell »